Make The Change

Hypnotherapy is becoming more and more popular as people realise the huge benefits it can offer. Not only is it incredibly effective at dealing with a huge number of issues and challenges but it is also a wonderful, relaxing and empowering experience by itself.

The role of a hypnotherapist is to take a client into a state of complete relaxation so that they can talk directly to their subconscious mind. In this state of heightened focus, it is much easier to make positive, lasting changes as there is much less resistance..

If you’re at a point today where you’re ready to make a change and let go of all the things that have been holding you back, then I can help. I am fully committed to supporting you and helping you on your journey to a better and brighter future – no matter what your current challenges may be. As a fully qualified award winning clinical hypnotherapist, I have created a collection of downloads and guides which can help to transform your life.

Are you ready to make a positive change and work with me?

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is not a state of deep sleep although it does involve the induction of a trance-like condition. During hypnosis, the client is actually in an enhanced state of awareness, concentrating entirely on the hypnotherapist’s voice. In this state, the conscious mind is suppressed and the unconscious mind is revealed. The hypnotherapist is able to suggest ideas, concepts and lifestyle adaptations to the client, the seeds of which become firmly planted.

How Does It Feel?

You will experience a sense of deep relaxation and a heightened sense of focus. Long gone are the days when hypnosis was seen as waving watches and controlling people’s minds.

In a hypnotherapy session, you are always totally in control and would never be made to do or say anything against your will.

The Science

Hypnosis is thought to work by altering our state of consciousness in such a way that the analytical left-hand side of the brain is turned off, while the non-analytical right side is made more alert. The conscious control of the mind is inhibited, and the subconscious mind is awoken. Since the subconscious mind is a deeper-seated, more instinctive force than the conscious mind, this is the part which has to change for the client’s behaviour and physical state to alter.

Sports Performance

Mohammed Ali, Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong and Michael Jordan are just a few of the famous athletes that have used hypnotherapy to enhance their sports performance.


Anxiety can be overwhelming for those suffering with and people often feel like things are getting on top of them. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective at reducing or eliminating symptoms and can help clients look forward in a positive way and take control of their anxiety.

Weight Management

For those finding it difficult to lose or gain weight, hypnotherapy can find and address issues stored in the subconscious mind and help to make drastic changes to diet and eating habits.

Stop Smoking

Hypnotherapy works to break the negative thought patterns and behaviour that go hand in hand with smoking. Clients often quit smoking after just one session.

Other Issues

There are so many areas of life that hypnotherapy can help, get in touch with any questions or issues!


Birth has the potential to be one of the most wonderful experiences of your life. Each birth is unique, and easibirthing® is about empowering you to manage your individual experience, not fear it.
Learn more here

Exam Stress

With nearly 10 years teaching experience, I know that the pressure on children in school, college and university is often difficult to cope with. The importance placed on exam results can lead children and young adults to become anxious and stressed. Hypnotherapy can really help to relieve some of this pressure and can also help clients perform better in an exam or test situation.


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