Published Work

Read my latest articles in Brainz Magazine HERE

Have you met the Drabidull?

I’m so thrilled to announce that I now have a children’s book in print! If you’d like to read all about the Drabidull and his adventures, click on the button below!

I have worked with some fantastic people and publications, and have featured in various journals and magazines.
I am currently in the process of having my first book published too,
so watch this space for details!

Here are just a couple of my articles that you may want to read.

How to stop gaslighting in a relationship
Featured in GODATES
August 2020

Excerpt: Is your partner lying to you, criticizing, and denying facts to the point that you are questioning your sanity? Do you feel like you are being brainwashed? You may be falling victim to a form of psychological abuse called ‘gaslighting.’ Find out if your partner manipulates you and how to stop gaslighting in a relationship.

Read the full article here

How hypnotherapy could get you pregnant
March 2021

Excerpt: It’s estimated that infertility affects one in seven heterosexual couples in the UK, with several recent reports confirming that these rates are actually rising. But why is this, and what can we do about it?
Hypnotherapy CAN help, and I explai how in this artlcle.

Read the full article here

Parenting A Gen Z Kid ‒
Trials, Tribulations, And Tips
Featured in BRAINZ Magazine
February 2023

Excerpt: Millennials and Gen Z will avoid visiting altogether, but if they do, they won’t commit to a time and won’t knock on the door. Millennials will text you when they arrive, and Gen Z will simply send you a photo of your front door!

Read the full article here