Is social anxiety having a negative impact on your life?

Are you finding yourself making excuses to get out of family or social events?

Are you tired of people telling you to ‘get over it’ or to ‘just be yourself?’

This powerful programme will help you reduce or eliminate social fears or phobias once and for all so that

you can start living again.

Step 1 – The Freedom Technique

As crazy as it sounds, your powerful subconscious mind sent that fear or

anxiety to you in those situations to keep you in your comfort zone; it though it

was doing you a favour! The Freedom Technique is a unique therapy that

combines powerful EMDR techniques with hypnosis and visualisation to

desensitise and reprocess those uncomfortable feelings and replace them with

feelings of calm and relaxation..

Delivered via video link

Step 2 – EFT

With social anxiety often comes a fear of being judged as well as a tendency to

overthink and catastrophise situations. The more we avoid social situations, the more frightening they can seem,

creating a vicious circle. This can be hard to break without a new perspective and a little support. 

EFT or ‘tapping’ helps to release old anxieties and negative emotions in a powerful way.

Delivered via video link

Step 3 - Hypnosis

Hypnosis allows you to instinctively experience a deep sense of calm confidence, so your unconscious mind can form new,

more helpful, and more positive associations with social situations.

Delivered as a hypnosis recording

Bonus – Swish Technique

This NLP technique uses guided visualisation to replace what you don’t want

with what you do want. It imprints your desired outcome of feeling calm and

confident into the subconscious, and because your subconscious doesn’t know

the difference between what’s real and what’s vividly imagined, it accepts this new way of being as your reality.

Delivered as a hypnosis recording

This program is completely delivered via video and audio recordings, so there is no need to interact face to face at any stage.

The cost of the entire program is £49


A recent client had got to the stage where they didn’t want to get out of their PJ’s. Their bedroom was their safe place and they often made their

escape into books, Netflix and the internet. They had missed a lot of days of college and they had drifted away from most of their friends.

They described the dilemma they faced on a daily basis of not wanting to socialise, but at the same time not wanting to miss out on things.

They felt helpless and hopeless.

It took a lot for them to come and see me, and I congratulate anyone who has the bravery to seek help because it is not easy.

The great news is that after using the techniques above, they were able to let go of that old anxiety easily and naturally.

Once the changes were made at a subconscious level, it never returned.